Tracking Public Opinion in Ukraine Before and After Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion

Research project made possible by the National Science Foundation RAPID program (SES 2309901)

Mikhail Alexseev, Professor, Political Science, SDSU (Principal Investigator)
Henry E. Hale, Professor, Political Science & International Affairs, George Washington University (Co-Principal Investigator)
Serhii Dembitskyi, Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Sociology, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine


Principal Goals

Major Activities

All proposed fieldwork activities have been completed:

I. Opinion surveys

Wave 1 (June-July 2023):

Wave 2 (December 2023-January 2024):

Wave 3: (April-May 2024):

II. Focus groups

(Conducted with eight participants in each group, equally divided by locations. Recruitment was organized to maximize sociodemographic variation within groups).

Round 1: Between Wave 1 and Wave 2

FG-1: Kyiv City and Kyiv Oblast: Sep 21, 2023

FG-2: Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk (West Ukraine): Sep 20, 2023

FG-3: Kherson and Donetsk Oblast (South and East Ukraine): Sep 19, 2023

FG-4: Kharkiv and Mykolaiv (Northeast and South Ukraine): Sep 18, 2023

Round 2: Between Wave 2 and Wave 3

FG-1: Kyiv City and Kyiv Oblast: March 25, 2024

FG-2: Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk (West Ukraine): March 26, 2024

FG-3: Kherson and Donetsk Oblast (South and East Ukraine): March 27, 2024

FG-4: Kharkiv and Mykolaiv (Northeast and South Ukraine): March 28, 2024

Related Publications

“Victory-in-freedom: Ukraine’s democratic resilience in the face of war,” Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing (June 2024) (with Serhii Dembitskyi) DOI: 10.15407/sociology2024.02.040

“Geosocietal Support for Democracy: Survey Evidence from Ukraine,” Perspectives on Politics (April 2024) (with Serhii Dembitskyi) DOI: 10.1017/S1537592724000422

Anchored in Freedom: Ukrainians’ Will to Fight Back in Harder Times,” Program on New Approaches to Research on Security – Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia), Policy memo No. 902 (June 2024) (with Serhii Dembitskyi)

For Victory in Freedom: Why Ukrainian Resilience to Russian Aggression Endures,” Program on New Approaches to Research on Security – Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia), Policy memo No. 863 (November 2023) (with Serhii Dembitskyi)

“War and Meaning of Democracy: Survey and Focus Groups Evidence from Ukraine,” Paper presented at the at the Central East European International Studies Association and International Studies Association Joint International Conference 2024 (June 21, 2024), Rijeka, Croatia.

“For Victory in Freedom: Why Ukrainian Resilience to Russian Aggression Endures,” Program on New Approaches to Research on Security – Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia), Spring Policy Conference (online), Washington, DC, George Washington University, March 31, 2024.

“Endgame Scenarios for the Russia-Ukraine War,” Invited presentation, Domestic Politics of Support for Ukraine in Europe Research Workshop, Claremont McKenna College, February 23, 2024.

“Victory-in-Freedom: A View from Kyiv,” Invited presentation, the University of San Diego Department of Political Science and International Relations Pearson-Chambers Symposium on “The World at War,” February 22, 2024.

“Rallying-‘Round-Democracy: Wartime Panel Survey Findings in Ukraine,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2, 2023, Los Angeles (with Henry E. Hale and Serhii Dembitskyi).